1月30日,在2022年北京冬奥会即将开幕之际,经士智库播客“经士视点(Global Governance Perspective)”节目邀请到国际奥委会前副主席、国际奥委会委员安妮塔•德弗朗茨(Anita DeFrantz)女士,请她围绕奥林匹克精神、奥运会政治化、女性与奥运会、北京东奥吉祥物等议题发表看法。这是经士智库“经士视点”播客的第六期节目,也是2022年第一期。本期节目主持人为经士智库研究员、best365官网登录入口讲师程静博士。
大家好,欢迎收听经士智库的播客《经士视点》。在这一集里,今天我们很荣幸地邀请到Anita DeFrantz女士和我们一起谈一谈2022年北京冬奥会。首先,我想向我们的观众们介绍一下Anita DeFrantz女士。Anita DeFrantz女士是国际奥委会委员,此前曾担任两届国际奥委会副主席。她于1986年当选为国际奥委会委员,不仅是第一位当选的非裔美国人,也是第一位在该委员会任职的美国女性。非常感谢!2022年北京冬奥会下周就要召开了,很高兴今天邀请到Anita DeFrantz女士来跟我们分享她对这个非常激动人心的大事件的经验、想法和期望。Anita DeFrantz女士,非常感谢,我们将从一些问题展开本次讨论。
Hello, everyone!Welcome to Global Perspective, a podcast presented by global governance institution. In this episode, we are very honored to have Ms Anita DeFrantz with us today to talk about the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. First, I would like to introduce to our audience about Ms Anita DeFrantz. And Miss DeFrantz is a member of International Olympic Committee and previously served two terms as a vice president of the IOC. She was elected to IOC membership in 1986, making her not only the very first African American, but also the first American woman to serve on the committee. Thank you very much. Well, Beijing 2022 is coming up just next week. Miss DeFrantz, I believe is indeed the very person that we are like to show, you know, hear from about her experience her thoughts and expectations about this very exciting big events. Ms. DeFrantz. Thank you very much and we shall start with the questions.
Anita DeFrantz:
Very good.
Okay, so, first of all with Coronavirus, especially the Omicron virus at the moment, still surging around the world, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games will still go ahead as scheduled. What do you think is the most important thing or value that brings all the athletes and coaches across the world together to Beijing in this particular situation?
Anita DeFrantz:
I call the Olympic Games as “Celebration of human excellence”. And athletes always strive to be the best, to be the most excellent. And especially at the games, they learn about mutual respect and fair play. We all know there not enough metals to go around. And yet we live in the village. Well, not so much this time maybe, but sharing information for one another about our lives and what we expect after the game. And we become friends for decades. I have some friends from 1976. Still.
Great. So mutual respect and fair play are the keywords, I guess. Thank you so much. And as you know, in addition to pandemic, politics, and ideology differences, also shadowed the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, so criticism over human rights issues have dominated the build up to Beijing 2022. For instance, the International Trade Union Confederation has claimed in the report that China should be awarded a gold medal for repression, criticizing Beijing 2022 and the International Olympic Committee for failing to address human rights issues in the country. So some countries are even set to implement a diplomatic boycott of the games because of the alleged human rights abuses. From your perspective, from your experience, how do you comment on the political interference in the Olympic Games?
Anita DeFrantz:
Well, I used to say politics is a spectator sport. But we are not politicians within the IOC. We have no remit to deal with governments say for having a contract with host city, to make sure that they organize the game so that the athletes will have the best and fairest chance to compete, and to fulfill their goals. That's what the Olympic games are about. I'm so sorry that everyone thinks that the Olympic Games can magically make the world perfect. Although I will tell you that the Olympic Village is the way the world we want to be with everyone living there and respecting one another. And again, realizing there not enough metals to go around. So many of the athletes will not go home with a medal. But there is that respect, and that dignity that comes when you respect one another.
Yeah. Yeah, going back to politics as kind of, you know, sort of a spectator sports. Okay, thank you very much. And so my next question is actually regarding, you know, the athletes attending the Beijing 2022. So well, the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games provided some experience and lessons for holding Olympic Games in the pandemic. Still, the Coronavirus threat to this winter Olympics keeps a very high concern for many people do you know particularly has some recommendations for the participating athletes, particularly in terms of safety and health issues?
Anita DeFrantz:
Well, certainly keep up with the playbooks which lay out all they need to know about what they need to do to compete at the game, and so forth. And also, please listen to your shift admissions, they have the most up to date information, and they'll be able to lead you in the way you need to go to make sure you have a chance to compete at the Games. But this is always the case where you need to follow your shift admissions. And since the Tokyo 2020 games, the playbooks really lay out all responsibilities and requirements that you have while being at the game. So I don't know if you can memorize it, but pay close attention to that.
Yeah. And also with the closed loop policy. And I guess, you know, I'm sure Beijing will make sure you know, everything will work out all right for the athletes in the village as well. I guess.
Anita DeFrantz:
I've already heard from those who are there that the venues are just excellent. Of course we don't get to do it the way we did it back in my day because of the pandemic. But I'm assuming that people will have this opportunity to understand that they're a part of the world, and they're making the world a better place by being there.
Yeah, yeah. And also, I read some of the, you know, the social media posts about how they are actually enjoying the staying in the village. Yeah. So that's great for the athletes. And finally, actually, I think, you know, for all the athletes from all over the world, they all shared the Olympic spirit. So regardless of language, religion, and diverse cultural differences, so would you please share with us your understanding on the Olympic spirit, please?
Anita DeFrantz:
Well, the Olympic spirit is deeply within all of these athletes, who knows how long they've looked forward to this opportunity to compete, it certainly has directed their lives in many ways that we can't know unless we talk to each one. And this is a chance to show what they can do in front of the whole world. It's a little bit frightening to say it that way. But on the other hand, they're making history before our eyes. And that's I think why the world loves the Olympic Games, they see the successful and the not so successful athletes all competing. And again, a world at peace. I mean, where else can we have the nations of the world come together on a peaceful playing field, and have a great experience, no matter what happens to the individual athletes goals.
Yeah, so this is really a very fascinating place where athletes, people from, you know, all over the world come together and really have bear in mind one goal. So it is really mutual respect and fair play and fair competition, I guess. This is really exciting event to look forward to. And also because, I think, when I read into your background, I realized that you know, on many occasions, you talk about the equal rights, you know, for women. So what would you like to say, in particular to women around the world, to women, athletes, as well as to those who are striving hard to pursue their dreams?
Anita DeFrantz:
Yes, well, I'll remind the entire world men and women that we are all equally human. So why should we have equal opportunity? It's as simple as that. We are one race, the human race are all the same. Each of us is unique, even identical twins are not identical. But we're one race. And we're all equally human. And we should all have equal opportunity to express our side ourselves, to go after goals and to have a chance to meet those goals on a peaceful friendly playing field.
Yeah. Great. Thank you so much. And, you know, finally, I would like to hear from you about and you know, the mascot. So basically, I think it's through so many Olympic Games, and we've got so many lovely mascots, and how do you think of the mascot for Beijing 2022? For example, you know, the “冰墩墩”, the Panda, the animated panda. Do you think it could help convey the message of Beijing 2022 to the world?
Anita DeFrantz:
Well, the mascots are primarily for children to fall in love one and appreciate what they represent. And I think you got some winners there in Beijing with the pandas.
Yeah, so basically, yeah, this is actually a kind of way to nourish the love in sports, and try to get children are interested in sports as well.
Anita DeFrantz:
Exactly. And the children are our future. And them being able to see this peaceful competition will make a huge difference in their world and our world in the future.
So hopefully, you know, by planting a seed in your hearts, the children will come to participate in this, you know, the world of sports of mutual respect and fair play, I guess.
Anita DeFrantz:
Yeah. That would be a wonderful thing to happen and we need it so much in this world.
Yeah. Great. And because, you see, the day after tomorrow, would be the Chinese New Year's Eve. And what would you like to say, in particular to the Chinese audience across the world?
Anita DeFrantz:
Enjoy your new year and make this year the best year ever. I know you have a very long calendar, and ours is very short in comparison, but just believe that the world can be like an Olympic Village.
Great. Thank you so much. And I would like to send best wishes to Beijing 2022, and also all the best to you as well for the new year.
Anita DeFrantz:
I'll see in Beijing.
Yeah. Hopefully, we'll see you in Beijing sometime. Thank you very much for your time with us for the interview. And thank you for you know, your wishes to Beijing 2022 as well. Thank you.
Anita DeFrantz:
Thank you for inviting me.